CBA is starting its own badminton leagues to promote badminton in the area by allowing players to meet and play with others of a similar skill level. Players can sign up under various leagues (beginner, intermediate, advanced), and will meet weekly at a scheduled time to play.
Dates: July 15 to August 26 (7 meetings)
Venue: Capital Badminton Academy at Columbia, 9188 Red Branch Road, Unit 430, Columbia, MD, 21045.
Logistic Information: Weekly meetings on Saturday from July 15 to August 26 with 8 courts available from 1 PM to 3:30 PM.
Contact Information: Timothy Li, Email:, Phone Number: 812-239-5830
Format: 5 weeks of group play, 2 weeks of playoffs
There will be three different leagues (beginner, intermediate, advanced). The leagues will be open doubles format – only doubles games will be played, and each team can consist of any two players, regardless of gender. Matches will be best of 3, standard badminton BWF rules (first to 21 points win, at 20-20 you must win by 2, maximum points are 30). Teams will not be able to swap to different league after the start date of July 15.
The 7 week league program will consist of 6 weeks of group play, then 2 weeks of playoffs. Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams in each league. The first 6 weeks will be used to determine a ranking for teams that will be used to seed them in the 2 weeks of playoffs. Shuttles will not be provided for the first 6 weeks of group play, but Aeroplane shuttles will be provided for the 2 weeks of playoffs.
During the 5 weeks of group play, each team is allowed to have a substitute for one day if they need. Substitutes will not be allowed in the 2 weeks of playoffs. If a team does not show up for their games or has used up their one chance for a substitute, then it will be considered a walkover. Teams are also allowed to pick team names.
If there are too many players or too few players, changes may be made to the format and logistic information. The playoffs format will be decided later on in the league.
Payment: League package will be $140 per person. Both members on a team should pay the entry fee separately. League play is cheaper than booking and court, and comes with the guarantee of courts.
Advance: 10 x CBA-Columbia drop in package for winner; 5 x CBA-Columbia drop in package for runner-ups
Intermediate: 10 x CBA-Columbia drop in package for winner; 5 x CBA-Columbia drop in package for runner-ups
Beginner: 10 x CBA-Columbia drop in package for winner; 5 x CBA-Columbia drop in package for runner-ups
Courts: 8 courts will be provided every week on Saturday from 1 PM to 3:30 PM.
Refunds: No refunds will be given after the start date of July 8. Prior to July 4, players may contact CBA-Columbia for information on refunds.